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In the past few days our message exchange started to cool down. We became apart from each other. Not much happened, but she indicated that Sir John, the boss of the company she worked in, is about to lay-off some staff. She was among. Pitty bad experience to face, especially that she was also using the company car. We discussed here whereabouts to how to proceed after her job ceases.

Cherie was somehow happy about moving forward, being more independent and maybe to start something new on her own. Anyway, i had the feeling that things are not right. Something changed pretty drastically after that night few days ago. I was not sure if she need time or she has another thoughts. She came even with idea to move back to home country. Additionally she had second thoughts about our relation. All this made her stressed and she was full of mixed feelings at that time. I tried to uphold the conversation and to cheer her up. All in vain, she was fading away.