For last two days we were talking about different aspects of our life’s, families, achievements and previous relation. We touched the subject of sexual attraction and commitment. Cherie at few occasions stated clearly she is looking for THE ONE and didn’t want to spend her time for games.

Black toenail polish is my inspiration right now ...

In general, in this city of sin, lot of people got hurt, being dumped or cheated. Relations became vague and week. So somewhere in the middle of everything there she was, fragile, but still open for new challenges and desires.

We talked all kind of stuff, what we like, what we dislike, like ordinary people do, when they start to date. It come to discussion about fetishes and sexual games. I started do discover that she wasn’t the ordinary girl from around the corner. She was open minded and very straight forward, the kind of woman some men would run from as being to much possessive to men’s ego.